Home Promoting Women's Rights, Gender Equity The General Federation of Jordanian Women (GFJW)
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The General Federation of Jordanian Women (GFJW)

In 1999, Princess Basma was asked to become the Honorary President of The General Federation of Jordanian Women (GFJW).

The GFJW was established in 1981 as a national non-governmental organization of women’s associations and societies to enhance the political, economic and social status of women in Jordan.

The Federation′s membership includes 135 women’s organisations which are registered at the Ministry of Social Development.

It has headquarters in each of the 12 governorates and offers educational opportunities and guidance in family welfare and health. It also advocates for legislative reform that favours women and initiates income-generating activities.

The GFJW has been a member of Jordanian National Commission for Women since its establishment, in addition to its membership in JNCW′s NGO Coordinating Committee.

The Federation offers training programmes for women in various trades to help improve their social, health and economic standards.

Among the federation′s many achievements are soft loans projects which are offered to women through women′s charitable organizations, these loans have also helped benefit women through job creation.